“Meals for Kids” Food Distribution Continues This Week

April 5, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

The “Meals for Kids” drive through distribution will continue this week at DeKalb Middle School, DCHS, and at DeKalb West School.

The effort began two weeks ago at the Smithville First Baptist Church Life Enrichment Center and at DeKalb West School but for logistical reasons was changed last week from the church to the schools.

The food pick-up, hosted by the DeKalb County School System with support of local churches will resume Monday and Thursday, April 6 and 9 from 10:30 a.m. until noon at DeKalb Middle School, DCHS, and at DeKalb West School.

“We will be distributing food boxes on Mondays for a three day supply and a two day supply on Thursdays,” said Director of Schools Patrick Cripps.

“We will have volunteers distributing the food. As you pull up to the buildings we will hand out food for the numbers of students age 18 and younger who are in the car,” he said.

“Students being served must be inside the vehicles driving through the pickup line according to state and federal guidelines. Meals will be served in a “Drive Through” style. Please stay in your car and follow traffic directions at each site. Meals must be taken home and should be refrigerated until served. Please let us know if your child is part of the Back Pack Program because if so the child will also receive those food supplies on Thursdays. Free meals will be made available each week until at least April 24th,” added Director Cripps.

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