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Luke Prichard Excavating & Trucking
Michaels Homes
9th grader Lilly Anderson has been awarded “Student of the Month” for January at DeKalb County High School: Pictured left to right: DCHS Assistant Principal Seth Willoughby, Lilly Anderson, DCHS Assistant Principal Jenny Norris, and DCHS Principal Bruce Curtis
Maddison Richardson Awarded DCHS Teacher of the Month for January. Pictured left to right: DCHS Assistant Principal Seth Willoughby, Maddison Richardson, DCHS Assistant Principal Jenny Norris, and DCHS Principal Bruce Curtis
DCHS Junior Braxton Spears writes winning “Parent of the Month” essay for his foster dad Ray Patterson: Pictured left to right: DCHS Assistant Principal Seth Willoughby, Braxton Spears, his foster parent Ray Patterson, DCHS Assistant Principal Jenny Norris, and DCHS Principal Bruce Curtis
Longing for a cute cuddly pet you can call your own? The DeKalb Animal Shelter has one just for you!
Come see “Percy”. You’ll find him hard to resist
The DCHS Basketball teams will host Stone Memorial (Friday, February 14) beginning with the girls game at 6 p.m. followed by the boys game. WJLE will have LIVE coverage of both games. Listen for WJLE’s Tiger Talk program prior to the girls game at 5:40 p.m. with Lady Tiger Coach Brandy Alley and Tiger Assistant Coach Cody Randolph along with players Allie Melton, Autumn Crook, David Wheeler, Jr and Chase Young. The host is the Voice of the Tigers and Lady Tigers John Pryor.
The DCHS Basketball teams will host Stone Memorial (Friday, February 14) beginning with the girls game at 6 p.m. followed by the boys game. WJLE will have LIVE coverage of both games. Listen for WJLE’s Tiger Talk program prior to the girls game at 5:40 p.m. with Lady Tiger Coach Brandy Alley and Tiger Assistant Coach Cody Randolph along with players Allie Melton, Autumn Crook, David Wheeler, Jr and Chase Young. The host is John Pryor.
Senior Jordan Parker, the 2024 DCHS Tiger Football Most Valuable Player, has announced his next move now that his high school pigskin playing days are over. Joined by members of his family, coaches, and teammates Monday at DCHS, Parker celebrated his signing last week to join the Phoenix at Cumberland University at Lebanon after he graduates in May. Pictured: left to right- seated Auston Parker and Jordan Parker. Standing left to right-Tiger Coach Steve Trapp, Dallas Parker, Kendall Parker, and Bryson Stewart
Former Alexandria City Employee Files Federal Lawsuit Against Mayor Beth Tripp and City
Lilly Anderson
Maddison Richardson
Braxton Spears
Melton and Crook
Wheeler and Young
Jordan Parker Signing
Alexandria City Hall
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Randy's Heat & Air

Special Broadcast Schedule

Tennessee vs Vanderbilt

Saturday, February 15

Pre-Game: 11:30 a.m.

Tip-Off: 12 noon







WJLE Today

WJLE Radio AM-FM serves Smithville, DeKalb County, Tennessee and surrounding counties with news, weather and sports along with Country and Southern Gospel music. Founded in 1964, WJLE commemorates its golden anniversary in 2014. In addition to daily news updates, WJLE keeps you informed and entertained with "LIVE" broadcasts and "LIVE" web streaming of local government meetings, including the Smithville City Council, County Commission, and School Board, high school sports, local elections, Sunday religious programming and other events throughout the year.

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