Glowstick Vigil Held to Honor and Remember Survivors and Victims of Drug Overdose

September 4, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

As part of September National Recovery Month, the DeKalb Prevention Coalition marked International Overdose Awareness Day on Friday with an event that honored those who have died from drug overdoses and provided resources for those battling drug addiction.

The event, held at Greenbrook Park featured guest speakers, hot dogs and chips, and a free overdose reversal training for all. Highlights of the program included a purple glow stick vigil, a walk in the park on the trail lined with paper glow bags, and a gathering of participants around a tree planted recently with a plaque dedicated as a “living remembrance of the lives lost too soon due to drug overdose, and as an inspiration to youth to choose to live drug free”.

“I lost my sister to an overdose in 2005 and the message I want people to get is there’s a way out and they don’t have to die from this disease. Never give up! There is hope. A lot of resources are out there to help and you don’t have to suffer alone,” said Amanda Parsley, one of the guest speakers at the event.

“DeKalb Prevention, along with community partners, remembered those friends and family we have lost to overdose. We spent a lot of time reflecting, praying, and shedding some tears. Afterwards we focused on looking forward to HOPE through our Prevention work and supporting each other with love. We walked the path lined with the names of those lost to overdose and we made a circle around our Remembrance Tree and spoke their names. Over 150 individuals participated. Thank you all for making the night such a special event,” said Jennifer Matthews, Director of the DeKalb County Prevention Coalition.

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