DeKalb Fire Department Holds Graduation Ceremony for Citizens Fall Fire Academy

May 16, 2024

The DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department’s Citizens’ Fall Fire Academy just completed its six-week run with a graduation ceremony for the participants on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024.

“The purpose of this academy is to provide a behind-the-scenes look, from a citizens’ perspective, at the organizational structure, administration, operation, and response capabilities of the DeKalb County Fire Department and supporting agencies, such as the 911 Dispatch,” said Firefighter Alex Woodward who coordinates this program.

DeKalb Fire Department Citizens Fall Fire Academy: Video Producer: Firefighter Alyssa Harvey

Participants had the option of either observing or actually getting some hands-on experience by dressing up in firefighter turnout gear and operating department equipment including the jaws of life extrication tools under the supervision of the county firefighters.

“We are not trying to train people to be firefighters. This is more of an educational type of venture and, while participants have the opportunity to cut up a car using the jaws of life and use a fire hose to spray some water, it’s not a physically demanding program,” said Woodward.

Although the course is not primarily designed to recruit future volunteer firefighters, the department has picked up a few over the years because of the academy. “We have had people go through the program and their level of interest was high enough that they did later apply and become part of our fire department team,” added Chief Donny Green.

Members of this year’s academy were Cliff Carey, Janet Carey, Victor Harvey, Lissa Riley, Joanne Williams, and Larry Williams.

If you would like to know more about how to get on the participant list for next year’s Citizens’ Fire Academy, please contact Alex Woodward at 615-489-7292 or Chief Donny Green at 615-464-7176.

WJLE Radio