DeKalb Election Workers Recognized (View Video Demo of New Voting Machine Here)

March 24, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

The DeKalb County Election Commission hosted a worker reception Thursday at the County Complex.

Dozens of people across the county who have helped work elections for years and especially last year attended the get together for fellowship and light refreshments.

The new voting machine, which is scheduled to be used in March 2024, was also available for viewing and demonstration.

“We wanted to show the workers they are appreciated and they are the ones who help make the electoral process in DeKalb County a success,” said Chairman Walteen Parker.

“These election workers follow the law verbatim. They don’t deviate. They treat everyone equally. We can trust their integrity. It has helped to maintain the integrity of the elections in DeKalb County,” said Chairman Parker.

“We wanted to recognize these workers because without them there is no election process. We have 12 precincts and it takes a lot of workers and we appreciate every one of them,” said Administrator of Elections Dennis Stanley.

Sue Corley, a current election worker who began in the 1970’s, was recognized for her tenure of service.

Two long time election workers, now deceased, were also remembered, Deana Mai Green and Brenda Hooper.

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