February 2, 2018
By: Dwayne Page
DeKalb County Mayor Tim Stribling has proclaimed February 5-9 Tennessee Quit Week in DeKalb County. “It’s Quittin’ Time in Tennessee” is an opportunity to celebrate Tennesseans who have quit using tobacco products and inspire more people to join them.
“We support anyone who lives in, works in or visits DeKalb County and wants to stop using tobacco as part of our efforts to make this a healthier community,” said Mayor Tim Stribling. “We’re also encouraging our local health care providers to talk with patients about tobacco use and share resources for quitting with those who use tobacco.”
Tennessee Quit Week is part of a statewide effort led by the Tennessee Department of Health to raise awareness of the Tennessee Tobacco QuitLine and other free resources available to help Tennesseans quit smoking and/or using other tobacco products. These proven, effective services can double a tobacco user’s chances of quitting.
“We are here to encourage, support and assist anyone trying to break the addiction to nicotine and move toward a life free from smoking, dipping and/or using other tobacco products,” said DeKalb County Health Department Director Michael Railling. “We know how hard it can be to kick the habit. Call or come see us, call the QuitLine, talk with your health care provider – do whatever it takes to learn about all of the options available that can help you succeed!”
Smokers can call the Tennessee Tobacco QuitLine, use a web-based program or attend in-person counseling services and may receive free FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy. Call the Tennessee Tobacco QuitLine at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) to speak with a counselor who will help you assess your addiction and help you create a quit plan. For more information and resources including an online cessation tool, visit www.tnquitline.org.
Why Team Up to Quit?
•Patients who work with their health care professionals are ultimately more successful in attempts to quit tobacco use.
Tobacco users who receive treatment report higher satisfaction with overall health care received compared to untreated tobacco users, according to the U.S. Public Health Service.
•Smokers who quit can add up to 10 years to their life expectancy.
Visit the Tennessee Department of Health online at http://tn.gov/health.
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