DCHS Awarded $50,000 Perkins Reserve Grant for CTE Program

July 10, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

The Tennessee Department of Education has announced over $2.6 million in Perkins Reserve Grant (PRG) grant funds have been awarded to 32 school districts including DeKalb County for the 2023-24 school year to support Career and Technical Education (CTE) across the state.

The local PRG grant is for $50,000 and will go to DeKalb County High School.

The purpose of PRG awards is to foster local innovation through the identification and promotion of CTE, and to support implementation of programs and career pathways aligned with regionally identified high-skill, high-wage, and/or in-demand occupations or industries. The PRG opportunity is designed especially to support districts in rural areas, maintain high CTE student participation rates, and/or report disparities in performance amongst students.

“The DeKalb County School System was again fortunate to receive the Perkins Reserve Grant to implement and improve programs at DeKalb County High School. The amount of the grant award this year is $50,000,” said Brad Leach, Career and Technical Education Director at DCHS.

“Equipment will be purchased to enhance the Mechatronics Technology Program at the high school. This grant will assist students in having the necessary curriculum and training for post-secondary as well as career opportunities. Students will be able to receive dual enrollment credit through a partnership with Motlow State Community College. This will give them a good start to have some classes completed at the high school level and continue their education and training at the postsecondary level to receive an associate and bachelor’s degree,” Leach continued.

“Grant funding will provide opportunities for industry certifications to students in the areas of NC3 and OSHA 10. These industry certifications along with education and training, internships and work-based learning with business and industry, can be used to assist students in competing for high skilled, high wage, in demand jobs that are available in our area and region. I would like to thank Director of Schools, Mr. Patrick Cripps and the DeKalb County Board of Education, DeKalb County High School, Motlow State Community College, and area business and industry for all the support in developing this program,” said Leach.

This year’s PRG grant award recipients submitted secondary and/or regional career pathways grant applications with action steps to support the department’s strategic initiative, Innovative School Models, by ensuring alignment to at least one of the innovative practice areas: time, space, modes of learning, and partnerships. The regional career pathways applications also included a regionally focused secondary and postsecondary or workforce partnership.

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