June 22, 2018
By: Dwayne Page
Did you go to school at DCHS during 1954-1986? If so you know Mr. James E Cantrell taught General Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics there. You may have even had him as your teacher.
Mr. Cantrell is turning 90 years old in July His family is celebrating his 90th birthday on July 14 from 2-5 PM at Whorton Springs Baptist Church Family Life Center. Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate with them. Enjoy some cake and punch and stories. No gifts please. The only thing they would like is for old friends, family, students or classmates, maybe even old customers from where he has sold trees around the area and did landscaping to come and share a memory, a funny story or something special that may have happened with him. Please come and enjoy some fellowship. The address is 2976 McMinnville Hwy Smithville.