City to Prohibit Front Yard Placement of Accessory Structures Such as Barns and Sheds in Residential Zones

June 9, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

Residents would no longer be allowed to erect or place an accessory structure such as an outbuilding or barn in their front yard under action taken by the Smithville Aldermen Monday night.

The new ordinance, adopted on first reading, was recommended for passage by the Smithville Planning Commission. In R-1 and R-2 residential zones, the ordinance would require that “with exceptions of signs, accessory structures shall not be erected in any front yard”. Barns, sheds, outbuildings, etc. would have to be situated to the side or behind homes according to setback regulations in those residential zones with the approval of the city building codes inspector.

Second and final reading passage will be scheduled at the next meeting in July.

Also at the recommendation of the planning commission, the aldermen have adopted on first reading an amendment to the zoning ordinance to prohibit residential and commercial uses in all heavy and light Industrial zones (I-1, 1-2, & 1-3 zones).

Second and final reading passage will be scheduled at the next meeting in July.

Bailiff Street is now one-way.

The aldermen, at the request of residents who live on that road and the planning commission, voted to make Bailiff Street, located between Fisher Avenue and Mountain Street, one-way. The street is narrow and serves only a few homes. The street will become one-way from Fisher Avenue.

The aldermen also adopted an ordinance on second and final reading to rezone property at 415 Juniper Lane from R-2 residential to C-1 commercial. The property belongs to Rebecca Ford Little. This lot joins two others in the neighborhood already zoned commercial.

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