Back 2 School-Call 2 Prayer Set for Sunday

August 1, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

An annual prayer for our schools observance will be held Sunday, August 4 at the DeKalb County High School gym starting at 2 p.m.

Parents, church leaders, educators, and community leaders are invited to attend this special “BACK 2 SCHOOL -CALL 2 PRAYER” gathering. Information from the past year and projections related to the new school year will be presented by Director of Schools Patrick Cripps.

Prayers will be offered by pastors and youth pastors for each school in DeKalb County and for school sponsored activities. A special prayer will also be offered for law enforcement agencies and the school board.

Instead of a closing prayer, those present will be asked to go to the geographical location of each school and pray. A prayer of blessing, safety, and learning will be offered for the students and faculty for the school year.

The order of the meeting is as follows:

*Welcome by Donnie Kelly, retired Pastor of the Smithville AG (First Assembly of God)

*School plans and projections for the new school year by Director of Schools Patrick Cripps.

*National Anthem by Jamie Greco, Praise and Worship leader at Smithville AG

Call to Prayer:

*DeKalb County High School-Jordan Atnip, Youth Pastor of Smithville First Baptist Church

*DeKalb Middle School-Chris Moore, Pastor of the Smithville Church of God

*Northside Elementary School-Shayne Ray, Youth Pastor of Outreach Baptist Church

*Smithville Elementary School-Sam Scavo, Campus Pastor at Christpoint in Smithville

*DeKalb West School-Jimmy Arms, Pastor of Upper Helton Baptist Church

*School Transportation-Graden Kirksey, Pastor of Refuge Church

*Athletic Department/Band-Brian Jones, Pastor of Pomeroy Chapel

*Law Enforcement Departments-Dan Gulley, Minister at the Smithville Church of Christ

*School Board- Joel Wood, Pastor of the Elizabeth Chapel Baptist Church

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